Early Beginnings and Rise to Prominence
Hailing from the enchanting city of Budapest, Corvin Dalek embarked on his musical journey at a young age, driven by an insatiable passion for all things electronic. He swiftly gained reputation and recognition in 1999 when he co-produced and mixed the acclaimed ‘E for Europe’ Compilation alongside Mark Reeder and Chris Zippel. This collaboration garnered praise for its inventiveness and clever infusion of humor, solidifying Dalek’s unique approach to his craft.
As the years progressed, Corvin Dalek’s talents led him to be sought after to mix several Compilations for MFS, including highly regarded albums like Lovetoys, Stadtansichten, Hotkunst, Wet&Hard. His residency at the notorious Excess club in Kreuzberg during the early 2000s showcased his remarkable DJ skills, while also serving as a resident DJ for the legendary MFS-Nights at the original Tresor . Additionally, Dalek held residencies at renowned clubs such as The Gallery in London’s Turnmills The Gallery, Godskitchen, Promise, The Arches in Glasgow, and the famous KitKat Club for Insomnia.
International Presence and Festival Highlights
Corvin Dalek’s magnetic stage presence and electrifying performances have taken him to the wildest corners of the world. His DJ schedule reads like a global itinerary, leaving an indelible mark on various prestigious stages. As a headliner for Creamfields Festivals in the UK, Czech Republic, and Poland, Dalek captivated audiences with his infectious beats and infectious energy. Notably, he showcased his talent at the iconic Loveparade’s in Berlin, Mexico City, and San Francisco, further solidifying his international reputation.
MFS/FLESH: Exploring New Music
Partnering with Mark Reeder, Corvin Dalek co-founded the MFS sub-label, Flesh, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of new music, particularly from the Eastern European underground scene. Dalek’s extraordinary remixing abilities were evident in his work on tracks by renowned artists such as New Order, Faithless, Shannon, Dr. Motte & 3Phase, Blank&Jones, Mismoplastico, Da Hool, to name a few. Moreover, his collaboration with Bernard Sumner, the notable figure from New Order, resulted in a vinyl single that showcased the original version of Crystal.
In 2003, Dalek and Reeder joined forces once again to produce their first album titled “I am a Dalek” under the MFS/Flesh label. This groundbreaking album aptly captured the essence of the Wet & Hard movement, seamlessly blending hip-thrusting drums and powerful basslines to generate an unparalleled sonic experience.
Innovation with Fummelerum Company
In 2009, Corvin Dalek founded Fummelerum Company, an internet-based label that fueled his artistic exploration and facilitated the production of his studio projects, including Smoky Mirror, 3ToN and End Of The Worlds. In 2014, Factory Benelux finally released Corvin’s Original demo version of Crystal featuring Bernard Sumner, on Mark Reeder‘s Collaborator album. Embracing the ever-evolving nature of electronic music, Dalek utilized this platform to continue his creative journey while expanding his influence on the global dance music scene.
A Lasting Impact
Corvin Dalek’s influence and accomplishments continue to resonate across the globe. The Wet & Hard scene, propelled by his groundbreaking contributions, has transcended borders and cultures, emphasizing its timeless message. This unruly Hungarian maestro has left an everlasting impact on the international dance music scene through his innovative creations and compelling performances, forever reshaping the landscape of electronic music.
In essence, Corvin Dalek’s pioneering spirit, talented experimentation, and unwavering dedication have solidified his position as an illustrious figure in the electronic music industry. As he continues to push the boundaries and redefine the genre, the world eagerly awaits the next chapter in this captivating musical journey.